The Primary Rules Of Web Design

There isn’t a single “one size fits all” approach to hawkes bay web design  the needs of every site will be different. For instance, the layouts of a major news outlet’s site and a personal gallery for an independent artist will need very different looks and feels. That said, there are a couple of key elements that every well-designed page should have. When setting out to establish a website of your own, make sure it follows these basic rules:

1 – The Cleaner The Layout, The Better

It’s critical that your website has a clutter-free design that’s easy to read and navigate. It’s even more integral these days since more and more people are accessing the internet through their phones. (Not only do you need to go a bit more minimal in nature with your primary site, but you’re also going to need to have a mobile version up and running as well!) Wallpapered background images, tons of busy animated GIFs, and frames for every little section of the site are all things of the past. 

2 – Templates Are Great, But You Need To Be Original

If you’re just starting out with your site, it’s going to be very tempting to merely load up a template. That’s particularly true for anything being built on the likes of WordPress or Blogspot. However, you should only view models as placeholders or stepping stones towards your unique web design hawkes bay If you want to be seen as an authority on the subject your site is focusing on, a big part of that is in the presentation. If your visitors see you’ve just thrown some default design together, it’s going to be hard for them to take you seriously. 

3 – Choose Your Fonts Carefully

You need to pick a relatively universal font that can be read on virtually any device. These days, larger sizes are also being favored. 10 point font doesn’t cut it anymore. And when you’re arranging your content, make sure to use smaller groups of text. Paragraphs should never be more than three sentences long!

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