What Is A Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant procedures are done by removing hair surgically from the back region of the scalp. This hair is then transplanted into the top portion of the scalp where the hair is thinning. There are a couple of ways that the hair can be extracted from the back region of the scalp. One method is by removing an entire strip of tissue and then dissecting the follicles out of the tissue. This is known as the strip procedure, or the Follicle Unit Transplant or FUT. The second method is by taking out each follicle one at a time and then transplanting them into the area where the hair is lacking. This is the latest technology, and it is known as the Follicular Unit Extraction method or the FUE. Both of these procedures are quite useful, and both of the methods implant grafts into the scalp, in the same manner, only the extraction is different.

hair transplant los angeles is the only method for a permanent solution to hair loss. A lot of people will have real, healthy hair on the back of their scalp that can be used to be successfully transplanted. These follicles do not have the receptor that is often the cause for thinning or shrinking hair, which is what makes the hair perfect to be used for transplant. When you talk with a professional in the Los Angeles area, you will get a better chance of getting a take up with your Hair restoration Los Angelest procedure.

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